Migrante SOMA/Tenderloin


Migrante is a grassroots organization working in neighborhoods across the globe to empower and organize immigrants and workers. Its SOMA/Tenderloin chapter works around the Bay Area in partnership with other grassroots organizations to support laborers’ struggles, protect workers’ rights, and organize hardworking people to defend against unjust, exploitative.

The SoMa/Tenderloin chapter of Migrante is part of a larger organization that includes alliances across all of Northern California. They collaborate with Migrante International based in Quezon City in the Philippines to advocate for the rights of migrants and Filipinos.  They also educate the public on immigration rights, tenants’ rights, and workers’ rights, amongst other legal issues. But Migrante’s work goes beyond advocacy and education – their karaoke fundraisers are part of a larger effort to organize around issues that affect the community in order to bring about lasting change.